Solving Ethernaut Level 29: Switch
Unpuzzle dynamic types in calldata and learn more about data encoding with this step-by-step guide on how to solve Ethernaut Level 29 challenge: Switch.
Latest news on Dapps, DeFi, or decentralized blockchain networks. Tips on how to write smart contracts, build blockchain apps, or secure your crypto wallet.
Unpuzzle dynamic types in calldata and learn more about data encoding with this step-by-step guide on how to solve Ethernaut Level 29 challenge: Switch.
Beyond testing, deployment, and interactions with Ethereum network, Hardhat tasks help you check state changes of smart contracts. Find out all the steps.
Learn how to set up Echidna, one of the first and most popular smart contract fuzzers. Echidna evaluates transactions to check if a property or invariant holds.
If you’re working on a dApp on Polygon (Mumbai Testnet) and want to integrate USDT or […]
Don’t spend real money when testing smart contracts. Use Softbinator Faucet tool and easily add free ETH to your wallet to pay your gas fees on the testnet.
What are the different types of stablecoins and how do they work? Do they keep their stability promise? The pros and cons and what lies ahead for stablecoins.