Softbinator Blog

Our Insights on Emerging Technologies

How the Right Implementation of ERC721 Brings Additional Utility to Your NFT

How the Right Implementation of ERC721 Brings Additional Utility to Your NFT

The main challenge with NFT collections is reducing gas fees. Next is adding utility and this is where the right implementation of ERC721 comes in.

Security Risks of Crypto Wallets You Should Always Take into Account

Security Risks of Crypto Wallets You Should Always Take into Account

When you’re playing poker, taking risks is the guarantee to cash in large sums of money. Things don’t work the same way with cryptocurrency transactions.

Softbinator’s Plans for 2022 – Follow Technologies that Will Shape the Future of the Metaverse, Blockchain, and DevOps
People at Softbinator

Softbinator’s Plans for 2022 – Follow Technologies that Will Shape the Future of the Metaverse, Blockchain, and DevOps

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